40k Battle Report - 750 Point Tournament
My local GW was holding a 750 point 40k tournament, so I decided to sign up with my Eldar. The tournament brought I believe 16 people or more. The rules were simple same FoC as usual and they would dicate the missions.
There were three different Tau armies, a Chaos Space Marine army, Dark Angels, Space Marines, Eldar, two Dark Eldar, and Imperial guard. I can not remember the rest of them.
Here was my list:
Farseer - Spirit Stones, Runes of Witnessing, Guide, Fortune, Singing Spear
10 Dire Avengers - Exarch, Dual S-Cat and Bladestorm
5 Fire Dragons
5 Pathfinders
Wave Serpent - Spirit Stones, Scatter Lasers
Wave Serpent - Spirit Stones, Scatter Lasers, S-Cannon
The action was pretty fast paced with it only being 750 points and they wanted to get 4 games in so there was no time for pictures.
Follow the break for rest of the battle report!