Tuesday, January 29, 2013

40k Battle Report - Eldar vs Space Marines

Space Marines VS Eldar - 2000 Points - (January 19, 2012)

I have been playing some games for the last few weeks with my Eldar but wanted to get some more painted (painted 7 vehicles in two weeks) before I took any pictures.  I am far from done for painting but at least the vehicles look decent.  I went to my buddies to play his space marine army for what might be his last time as he is (and you can see from some of the models) converting them to Dark Angels.  So look out for some Dark angel batreps coming in the near future as well.

Here are the lists:

Space Marines
3 Rhinos
Land Raider
Storm Talon
10 Man tactical squad
10 Man tactical squad
10 Man tactical squad
5 man Devastator squad with 3 lascannons and a missile launcher.
5 Man command squad with storm shields, power weapons and apothecary
Space Marine Captain
7 Terminators with Thunder Hammers, storm shields and lightning claws.

2 Fire Prisims - Holo Fields, Spirit Stones
3 Wave Serpents - Spirit Stones, Scatters lasers
5 Dark Reapers - Exarch with Crack shot and Missile Launcher
5 Fire Dragons - Exarch with Dragon Pike
8 Pathfinders
10 Dire avengers - Exarch with Dual S-Cata and Bladestorm
10 Dire avengers - Exarch with Dual S-Cata
10 Warp Spiders - Exarch with Spinnert Rifle
Defense line with Quad Gun
Farseer - Runes of Witnessing and warding, spiritstones, guide and fortune.

Eldar Force, hard to tell what is what when its all black

Space Marine Force

Space Marine Deployment

Eldar Deployment

We rolled off, and got the Emperor's Will, we had 4 objectives total and we also got hammer and anvil deployment.  Space Marines won the roll to go first but I managed to steal the initiative.

Follow the break for rest of the battle report!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

40k Battle Report - Grey Knights vs Chaos Daemons

Grey Knights VS Chaos Daemons - 2000 Points - (January 12th, 2013)

Its been a while! I have been starting my Eldar army and have been playing with them the last month or so but with Christmas season and everything else I did not have much time to post.  I am back for my first post of the new year and oddly enough its a Daemons again but I will have a Eldar post coming soon.

I went to my buddies to play a few games and we started off with Daemons vs GK, I brought an all Khorne list because that had the best chance of doing anything against the GK. He used a different type of list then he normally does and it was very terminator heavy with some Paladins thrown in there, I think this is the smallest list I have ever seen him field.

Here are the lists:

Grey Knights:
10 Terminators - Thunderhammers/Halbreds (reserves)
5 Paladins - Apothecary
5 man Strike Squad
Land Raider - Lascannon, Multi Melta
Dreadnought (reserves, on the stormraven)

Chaos Daemons:
Bloodthirster - Blessing of the Blood God, Unholy Might
3x Bloodcrushers - Fury of Khorne, Icon
3x Bloodcrushers - Fury of Khorne
8x Bloodletter - Fury of Khorne
8x Bloodletter - Fury of Khorne
8x Bloodletter - Fury of Khorne
8x Bloodletter - Fury of Khorne
8x Bloodletter - Fury of Khorne
6x Flesh Hounds - Karanak, Fury of Khorne
Daemon Prince - Wings, Iron Hide, Unholy Might, Mark of Khorne, Blessing of the Blood God, Death Strike

Daemon Prince - Wings, Iron Hide, Unholy Might, Mark of Khorne, Blessing of the Blood God, Death Strike

Daemon Army

Grey Knight Army

Grey Knight Deployment

We rolled off and got Emperors Will and Dawn of War,

The preferred Daemon wave was, Bloodthirster, Flesh Hounds, one Bloodletter squad, Bloodcrushers with Icon and one Daemon Prince.

Follow the break for rest of the battle report!