Tuesday, October 9, 2012

40k Battle Report - Grey Knights vs Orks with Chaos Daemon Allies

Grey Knights vs Orks with Chaos Daemon Allies - 6th Edition - 2000 Points - (September 28th, 2012)

I went to my buddies place to play a game against his GK but this time I decided to bring my Orks, I only have around 1200 points or so, so I had to bring some Daemon Allies, but it was my first game with my Orks in a long time so I was not sure how this would go.  But who can't have fun playing with Orks so I was excited.

Here are the lists:

Grey Knights
8 Terminators
1 Land Raider
10 Intercepters
10 Purifiers w\ halbreds, hammers and psycannons
10 Purifiers w\ halbreds, hammers and psycannons
Dreadnaught w\ two auto cannons
Dreadnaught w\ two auto cannons
2 Rhinos

Orks\Chaos Daemons:
30 Slugga Boys w\ Nob with Power Klaw, boss pole
12 Slugga Boyz w\ Nob with Power Klaw, boss pole
1 Trukk
10 Burna Boyz
5 Lootas
Warboss w\ Power Klaw, Twin Linked Shoota
10 Nobz, w\ pain boy, and assorted Power Klaw and Big Choppas
1 Deff Dread w\ Heavy Skorcha

11 Pink Horrors w\ Changeling and Bolt of Tzeentch
3 Screamers
3 Bloodcrushers - Fury of Khorne
Soul Grinder w/ Phlegm

Daemon Allies

Ork Army

GK Deployment

Ork Deployment Left

Ork Deployment Right

We rolled off and got The Relic and Dawn of War deployment.

The preferred wave for Daemons was: Soul Grinder, Screamers, and Pink Horrors.  The second wave was Bloodcrusher and the Skulltaker.

Follow the break for rest of the battle report!