Grey Knights vs Orks with Chaos Daemon Allies - 6th Edition - 2000 Points - (September 28th, 2012)
I went to my buddies place to play a game against his GK but this time I decided to bring my Orks, I only have around 1200 points or so, so I had to bring some Daemon Allies, but it was my first game with my Orks in a long time so I was not sure how this would go. But who can't have fun playing with Orks so I was excited.Here are the lists:
Grey Knights
8 Terminators
1 Land Raider
10 Intercepters
10 Purifiers w\ halbreds, hammers and psycannons
10 Purifiers w\ halbreds, hammers and psycannons
Dreadnaught w\ two auto cannons
Dreadnaught w\ two auto cannons
2 Rhinos
Orks\Chaos Daemons:
30 Slugga Boys w\ Nob with Power Klaw, boss pole
12 Slugga Boyz w\ Nob with Power Klaw, boss pole
1 Trukk
10 Burna Boyz
5 Lootas
Warboss w\ Power Klaw, Twin Linked Shoota
10 Nobz, w\ pain boy, and assorted Power Klaw and Big Choppas
1 Deff Dread w\ Heavy Skorcha
11 Pink Horrors w\ Changeling and Bolt of Tzeentch
3 Screamers
3 Bloodcrushers - Fury of Khorne
Soul Grinder w/ Phlegm
Daemon Allies |
Ork Army |
GK Deployment |
Ork Deployment Left |
Ork Deployment Right |
We rolled off and got The Relic and Dawn of War deployment.
The preferred wave for Daemons was: Soul Grinder, Screamers, and Pink Horrors. The second wave was Bloodcrusher and the Skulltaker.
Follow the break for rest of the battle report!