Space Marines vs Chaos Daemons - 6th Edition - 2000 Points - (August 10th, 2012)
Made the trip down to the GW store this Friday looking for a game, I came across a fellow who moved to this city only a week ago and like all other people in this hobby he made his way to the GW store first. He brought Space Marines so we decided on a 2000 point game.Here are the lists:
Space Marines: (going from memory, he also had a forgeworld HQ, but I can not remember the name)
3 Drop Pods
Dreadnought - Flamer Upgrades
10 Man Tactical Squad
10 Man Tactical Squad
6 Terminators
2 Librarians
Forgeworld HQ
Vanguard Squad of 4
5 Man Tactical Squad
5 Man Tactical Squad
Chaos Daemons:
Bloodthirster - Unholy Might, Blessing of the Blood God
10 Bloodletters - Icon, Fury of Khorne
10 Bloodletters - Icon, Fury of Khorne
10 Bloodletters - Fury of Khorne
10 Bloodletters - Fury of Khorne
6 Flamers - Pyromancer
5 Pink Horrors - Bolt of Tzeentch
6 Pink Horrors - Bolt of Tzeentch, Changeling
Daemon Prince - Wings, Iron Hide, Mark of Nurgle, Noxious Touch, Cloud of Flies
3 Bloodcrushers - Fury of Khorne
6 Flesh hounds - Karanak Upgrade, Fury of Khorne
Soul Grinder w/ Phlegm
Space Marine Reserves |
We rolled off and got the mission to capture the objective in the opponents deployment zone, he won the roll and let me go first.
The preferred wave for Daemons was: Bloodthirster, Daemon Prince, 10 Bloodletters, 10 Bloodletters and the Flesh Hounds.
Follow the break for rest of the battle report!