Monday, July 30, 2012

40k Battle Report - Grey Knights vs Chaos Daemons

Grey Knights vs Chaos Daemons - 6th Edition - 2000 Points - (July 28th 2012)

The regular GK player I play against is going out of the country for a month, so we decided to get one last game in before he heads out.  He feels bad to keep bringing GK against my Daemons but I keep telling him I don't mind.  So he brought his GK's for a couple last games before he leaves.  This time I decided to go with a more Fluffy list, I brought all Khorne, which also will work out in my favour because I can get Blessing of the Blood God, which gives me a 2++ against force and physic weapons.  But with the new preferred enemies I am still at a huge disadvantage.  But these games are for fun so I am not worried.

Here are the lists:

Grey Knights
8 Terminators (Deep striking)
1 Land Raider
1 Gunship
10 Purifiers w/ halbreds, hammers and psycannons
10 Purifiers w/ halbreds, hammers and psycannons
1 Librarian

Chaos Daemons:
Bloodthirster - Unholy Might, Blessing of the Blood God
8 Bloodletters - Icon, Fury of Khorne
8 Bloodletters - Icon, Fury of Khorne
8 Bloodletters - Fury of Khorne
8 Bloodletters - Fury of Khorne
8 Bloodletters - Fury of Khorne
Daemon Prince - Wings, Unholy Might, Iron Hide, Mark of Khorne, Deathstrike, Blessing of the Blood god
Daemon Prince - Wings, Unholy Might, Iron Hide, Mark of Khorne, Deathstrike, Blessing of the Blood god
3 Bloodcrushers - Fury of Khorne
6 Flesh hounds - Karanak Upgrade, Fury of Khorne
Soul Grinder w/ Phlegm

My Khorne Army, still WIP
GK Deployment, Crowe is in the building on the far right.

We rolled off and got crusade and hammer hand deployment, after rolling for objectives we had 4 on the table.

The preferred wave for Daemons was: Bloodthirster, Daemon Prince, 8 Bloodletters, 8 Bloodletters and the Soul Grinder.

Follow the break for rest of the battle report!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

40k Battle Report - 1500 point 6th Edition Tournament

40k Battle Report - 1500 point 6th Edition Tournament

At GW they held a 1500 point tournament to get into 6th edition, no special rules were in place.  So I decided to enter, and we had a good turn out, 10 people and only two duplicate armies, that being Necrons.
The armies in the tournament were:
Grey Knights
Chaos Daemons
Tau, with Space Marine allies
Dark Eldar
Space Marines
Imperial Guard
Space Wolves

So here is the list I brought:

Bloodthirster /w unholy might, blessing of the blood god, chaos instrument
Soul Grinder /w Phlegm
Daemon Prince /w Mark of Nurgle, Iron Hide, Noxious Touch, Wings, Cloud of Flies, Breath of Chaos
10 Bloodletters /w Fury of Khorne, Chaos Icon
9 Bloodletters /w Fury of Khorne
5 Pink Horrors /w Bolt of Tzeentch
5 Pink Horrors /w Bolt of Tzeentch, Changeling
3 Bloodcrushers /w Fury of Khorne
4 Flamers

I did not get any pictures because of how much was going on and the fact that I played 3 games in one day.

The armies I played against was Tau /w Space Marines, Necrons, Orks

Follow the break for rest of the battle report!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

40k Battle Report -Space Marines (Eldar Allies) vs Chaos Daemons

Space Marines (Eldar Allies) VS Chaos Daemons - 2000 Points - (July 7th, 2012) (First 6th Edition Battle Report)


With 6th Edition here I was excited to play a new game, I already played one game against someone who is becoming a common opponent against me, he is the GK and SM player.  He played his GK and he ended up winning, but it was close he only had 5 termies left at the end, but with all the new rules and book flipping I forgot to take pictures and can not remember much of it, so I decided to play another game against him with his Space Marines, he wanted to try the Allies and brought some of his Eldar.   So here is my first 6th Edition battle report, hope you enjoy.


Here are the lists:

Space Marines
6 Tactical Squad
9 Terminators w/ Storm Shield, Hammers, lighting claws.
10 Tactical Marines
1 Stormtalon
1 Chapter Master w/ Orbital Bombardment
10 Scout Snipers
1 Land Raider
1 Razorback
1 Farseer on Jet Bike
3 Warlocks on Jet Bikes
1 Wave Serpent
10 Dire Avengers

Chaos Daemons:
10 Bloodletters - Fury of Khorne
10 Bloodletters - Fury of Khorne
10 Bloodletters - Icon, Fury of Khorne
10 Bloodletters - Icon, Fury of Khorne
Daemon Prince - Wings, Mark Of Nurgle, Breath of Chaos,Cloud of Flies, Noxious Touch
Daemon Prince - Wings, Mark Of Nurgle, Breath of Chaos,Cloud of Flies, Noxious Touch
Bloodthirster - Unholy Might, Blessing of the Blood God
3 Bloodcrushers - Fury of Khorne
6 Flamers of Tzeentch
Soul Grinder w/ Phlegm

SM Deployment - Right Side

SM Deployment - Left Side

Daemon Army

We rolled off and got Vanguard deployment and The Relic mission.

Daemons preferred wave was the 10 Bloodletters, Bloodthirster, 3 Bloodcrushers, Soul Grinder and a Daemon Prince, the second wave being the Daemon Prince, and 30 Bloodletters and the 6 Flamers

Follow the break for rest of the battle report!