Grey Knights vs Chaos Daemons - 6th Edition - 2000 Points - (July 28th 2012)
The regular GK player I play against is going out of the country for a month, so we decided to get one last game in before he heads out. He feels bad to keep bringing GK against my Daemons but I keep telling him I don't mind. So he brought his GK's for a couple last games before he leaves. This time I decided to go with a more Fluffy list, I brought all Khorne, which also will work out in my favour because I can get Blessing of the Blood God, which gives me a 2++ against force and physic weapons. But with the new preferred enemies I am still at a huge disadvantage. But these games are for fun so I am not worried.
Here are the lists:
Grey Knights
8 Terminators (Deep striking)
1 Land Raider
1 Gunship
10 Purifiers w/ halbreds, hammers and psycannons
10 Purifiers w/ halbreds, hammers and psycannons
1 Librarian
Chaos Daemons:
Bloodthirster - Unholy Might, Blessing of the Blood God
8 Bloodletters - Icon, Fury of Khorne
8 Bloodletters - Icon, Fury of Khorne
8 Bloodletters - Fury of Khorne
8 Bloodletters - Fury of Khorne
8 Bloodletters - Fury of Khorne
Daemon Prince - Wings, Unholy Might, Iron Hide, Mark of Khorne, Deathstrike, Blessing of the Blood god
Daemon Prince - Wings, Unholy Might, Iron Hide, Mark of Khorne, Deathstrike, Blessing of the Blood god
3 Bloodcrushers - Fury of Khorne
6 Flesh hounds - Karanak Upgrade, Fury of Khorne
Soul Grinder w/ Phlegm
My Khorne Army, still WIP |
GK Deployment, Crowe is in the building on the far right. |
We rolled off and got crusade and hammer hand deployment, after rolling for objectives we had 4 on the table.
The preferred wave for Daemons was: Bloodthirster, Daemon Prince, 8 Bloodletters, 8 Bloodletters and the Soul Grinder.
Follow the break for rest of the battle report!