Saturday, April 28, 2012

40k Battle Report - Ork vs Chaos Daemons - Game 2

Ork vs Chaos Daemons - 1000 Points - (April 27rst 2012)

So here is the rematch! He changed up his list a little bit and this time ditched his Trukks and was able to add a warboss with the points, also he removed the Kustom Force Field and got three Deffcoptas in.  Lets see how he fairs this game!

Here are the lists:

18 - Nob w/pk, bosspole
18 - Nob w/pk, bosspole
Warboss - Cybork, Eavy Armour, Power Klaw, shoota
Big Mek - Power Klaw
5 Biker Boyz - Nob w/pk, bosspole
15 Stormboyz - Nob w/pk, bosspole
3 Deffcoptas - Buzzsaws

Chaos Daemons:
10 Bloodletters - Icon, Instrument of Chaos
10 Bloodletters - Icon, Instrument of Chaos
Daemon Prince - Wings, Iron Hide, Unholy Might, Mark Of Khorne, Death Strike
Daemon Prince - Wings, Iron Hide, Unholy Might, Mark Of Khorne, Death Strike

We rolled off and got Pitched battle and annihilation.

Daemons preferred wave was the 20 Bloodletters and Skulltaker, with the second wave being the Princes.

We rolled and I won, and gave him first turn.

Here is the a shot of the Armies and the deployment:
Ork Deployment right side

Ork Deployment left side


Follow the break for rest of the battle report!

40k Battle Report - Ork vs Chaos Daemons - Game 1

Ork vs Chaos Daemons - 1000 Points - (April 27rst 2012)

This week I was able to make it to the LGS for a game or two, excited to play my Daemons I didn't even bring my Orks.  Turns out you can not escape the green tide, as I ran into a Ork player who agreed to play.  He made a 1000 point list (I swear it will get 1500 points soon).  He was a nice guy and the first game did not realize my Daemon list was all Khorne (I did tell him all my units and their upgrades) and he did not realize I only had two range attacks per turn so he has a few units in his list that are not going to be a big help.  Lets get to the Action.

Here are the lists:

12 Trukk Boyz - Nob w/pk, bosspole
10 Trukk Boyz - Nob w/pk, bosspole
12 Ard Trukk Boyz - Nob w/pk, bosspole
Big Mek - KFF
5 Biker Boyz - Nob w/pk, bosspole
15 Stormboyz - Nob w/pk, bosspole

Chaos Daemons:
10 Bloodletters - Icon, Instrument of Chaos
10 Bloodletters - Icon, Instrument of Chaos
Daemon Prince - Wings, Iron Hide, Unholy Might, Mark Of Khorne, Death Strike
Daemon Prince - Wings, Iron Hide, Unholy Might, Mark Of Khorne, Death Strike

We rolled off and got Pitched battle and seize ground, we rolled the D3 and got a 5 so that 5 objectives, going to be a tough game with only two troop choices.

Daemons preferred wave was the 20 Bloodletters and Skulltaker, with the second wave being the Princes.

We rolled and I won, and gave him first turn.

Here is the a shot of the Armies and the deployment:

Ork Deployment
Ork Deployment Right Side

Follow the break for rest of the battle report!

Monday, April 23, 2012

40k Battle Report - Ork vs Chaos Daemons

Ork vs Chaos Daemons - 1000 Points - (April 21rst 2012)

I was not able to make it to the LGS this week end, so I decided to play a game against myself.  I just got my new Daemon Princes in, so I had 1000 points of both Daemons and Orks.  I set up the table with some scenery I made/collected over the years (its not very good, but I was very young when I made it, over 8 years ago).  So lets get to the lists and deployment.

Here are the lists:

24 Boyz - nob w/ pk, bp
23 Boyz - nob w/ pk, bp
10 Nobz, all different load outs with painboy, all have eavy armour and cybork bodies and stikk bombs
1 Warboss - Pk, attack squig, eavy armour, cybork bodies, shoota

Chaos Daemons:
10 Bloodletters - Icon, Instrument of Chaos
10 Bloodletters - Icon, Instrument of Chaos
Daemon Prince - Wings, Iron Hide, Unholy Might, Mark Of Khorne, Death Strike
Daemon Prince - Wings, Iron Hide, Unholy Might, Mark Of Khorne, Death Strike

I decided to play pitched battle and annihilation, Orks won the roll and got to go first.

Daemons perferred wave was the 20 Bloodletters and Skulltaker, with the second wave being the Princes.

Here is the a shot of the Armies and the deployment:

Ork Army
Daemon Army

Ork Deployment

Follow the break for rest of the battle report!

Friday, April 13, 2012

40k Battle Report - Orks/Orks Vs Eldar

Orks/Orks Vs Eldar - 2200 Points (April 13, 2012)

The same Eldar player I played against in my first battle report showed up again with his friend who had 1000 points of Orks.  I suggested we play our Orks vs his Eldar as he had over 3000 points with him.  The three of us have been chatting the last few weeks after games so they agreed to a 2300 points game, but after some calculations we decided on 2200 points.  Our Organization charts are a bit off, as the Ork team has 3 HQ's but the Eldar player was ok with it.

Here are the lists:


My Orks:
24 Boyz - nob w/ pk, bp
23 Boyz - nob w/ pk, bp
10 Nobz, all different load outs with painboy, all have eavy armour and cybork bodies and stikk bombs
1 Warboss - Pk, attack squig, eavy armour, cybork bodies, shoota
5 Lootas
1 Trukk w/ red paint job
1 Deff Dread - 1 CCDW, Skorcha

Team Mates Orks:

30 Boyz - nob w/ pk, bp
1 Warboss - Pk, attack squig, eavy armour, cybork bodies, shoota
9 Tank Bustas
1 Trukk
3 Kill Kans - 3 grot zookas
Big Mek - Shokk attack Gun
10 Lootas

10 Dire Avengers
10 Harlequins (HQ was attached to this unit)
10 Wraith Guard
10 Warp Spider
10 Fire Dragons
5 Dark Reapers (one upgraded with a barrage weapon)
1 Farseer
10 Pathfinders
3 Heavy Support Weapons
1 Wave Serpent
1 Falcon

We rolled and got pitched battle and annihilation.

We won the roll and got to go first, so we deployed our forces with mostly my Orks on the left side and his on the right.

Here is the deployment:

Eldar Right Side

Eldar Left Side

Ork Left Side
Ork Right Side
View of Table

Follow the break for rest of the battle report!