Saturday, March 31, 2012

40k Battle Report - Ork vs Tryanids - Game 2

Ork vs Tryanids - 500 Points - Game 2 (March 30th 2012)

Time for some revenge!  We used the same lists as game one, and this game he also had the same mentor.  We were rushed for time this game so there is not many pictures.

Here are the lists:

18 Boyz, Nob w/ pk and bosspole
18 Boyz, Nob w/ pk and bosspole
Warboss - Pk, attack squig, eavy armour, cybork bodies, shoota
5 Lootas


3 Warriors - One with dual talons, one with cannon and 1 with a large blast shot
8 Hormagaunts - CC weapons, toxin sacs, A-Glands
10 Gargoyles
Trygon Prime - Needle weapon

We rolled and he won first turn, he set up his gaunts to the left side with his warriors in the middle and his gargoyles on the right with his Trygon in reserves.
I set up with my lootas in the back and put one squad of boyz in the middle and one squad on the right with my warboss between the two units of boyz on his own this time.
I tried to steal the initiative but failed again :(

Ork Deployment

Tyranid Deployment

Follow the break for rest of the battle report!

40k Battle Report - Orks vs Tyranids - Game 1

Orks vs Tyranids - 500 Points - Game 1 (March 30th 2012)

I found a guy who had just gotten into the hobby and had over 600 points of Tyranids, but that was with a lot of upgrades, so we agreed on a 500 point game so we could play comfortably without maxing out his units and its also a nice easy point level to play at for a entry level player.  Even though I am very to the hobby in general I have a good concept of rules, but he was still very green around the ears when it came to the rules.  He had a veteran friend help him through his first two games.

Here are the lists:

18 Boyz, Nob w/ pk and bosspole
18 Boyz, Nob w/ pk and bosspole
Warboss - Pk, attack squig, eavy armour, cybork bodies, shoota
5 Lootas


3 Warriors - One with dual talons, one with cannon and 1 with a large blast shot
8 Hormagaunts - CC weapons, toxin sacs, A-Glands
10 Gargoyles
Trygon Prime - Needle weapon

We rolled and he won first turn, he set up his gaunts to the right side with his warriors in the middle and his gargoyles on the left with his Trygon in reserves.
I set up with my lootas in the back and put one squad of boyz in the middle with my warboss attached and another unit of boyz to the right.
I tried to steal the initiative but failed again :(

Ork Deployment

Tyranid Deployment

Follow the break for rest of the battle report!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

40k Battle Report - Orks Vs Eldar

Orks Vs Eldar - 1350 Points (March 23rd, 2012)

I played against a very nice gentlemen who brought some Eldar to the table, as this was only my fourth game I was up front with him that I am new to this and will be asking lots of questions and he was more then helpful all game.  Just remember with most of my batreps for now, I am bringing everything I have to the game so my lists are not perfect and are probably pretty bad but until I can collect more and have options I have to go with this same list every time.

Here are the lists:

24 Boyz - nob w/ pk, bp
23 Boyz - nob w/ pk, bp
10 Nobz, all different load outs with painboy, all have eavy armour and cybork bodies and stikk bombs
1 Warboss - Pk, attack squig, eavy armour, cybork bodies, shoota
10 Burnas
5 Lootas
1 Trukk w/ red paint job
1 Deff Dread - 1 CCDW, Skorcha

Eldar (from memory):
10 Dire Avengers
10 Striking scorpions (HQ was attached to this unit)
10 Wraith Guard
10 Warp Spiders
5 Dark Reapers (one upgraded with a barrage weapon)

We rolled and got pitched battle and annihilation. 

He won the roll to go first, he set up his Dark reapers on top of a building, his warp spiders and striking scorpions were behind the building, with his dire avengers and his wraith guard in another building.

I set up my Orks with my two squads of boyz in as much cover as I could, and my lootas in the back.  I put my nobz, trukk, warboss, burnas and deff dread on the far side to stay out of range of the reapers. Here is his deployment and mine.

Ork Deployment Left Side

Ork Deployment Right Side

Eldar Deployment

Follow the break for rest of the battle report!

Warhammer 40k Battle Report Blog

Hi all,

I just started playing Warhammer 40k recently, like all newbies I bought Assault on Black Reach, as I was interested in Orks, I painted my first boy up and so began my plunge into this hobby.  I have collected 1400 points of Orks and recently began collecting my second army Chaos Daemons, which I currently have 510 points worth.

A big reason I got into the hobby was the influence of friend, who I also happen to work with.  He collects Space Wolves, Flesh Tearers and recently started collecting Dark Eldar.  He currently owns a painting blog (, and that got me thinking I would love to make a battle report blog which we can both add to.  Just something simple to start, recap battle reports with pictures.  So here I am making my first post of what I hope to be many.

Between the two of us hopefully we will be able to bring everyone who reads this a variety of battle reports from many different armies.
